Talking to My Nervous System

You know that feeling of having a goal and feeling completely unable to move forward and being totally baffled as to why?

Yeah. Me too. And it has me talking to my nervous system a lot these days. I’ve even named her Ramona. (It harkens to my love of Judy Blume books as a kid and I learned that can mean “wise protector.”)

I often say things like this:

“Hi Ramona! I’m taking care of the things that you asked me to.

I am taking some slow, deep breaths and moving my body a bit. I am lighting the sage that makes you feel calm and talking to myself in a way that encourages me for the tasks that lie ahead today.

I have picked up the space around my desk so it feels nice, I’ve dumped out the list of things from my head to my bullet journal, and starting my day off with a little inspiration.

Thanks for being with me. Let me know if there is anything else I need to do to let you know I am capable of handling stepping outside my comfort zone to accomplish new things!”

Of course, she sometimes starts the conversation and I practice listening. She might say things like this:

“Hi Karen. I have quickened your pulse and your breathing. I have make it hard to focus and amplified the fear and anxiety.

This isn’t because I don’t love you, it’s because you don’t feel safe and I need you to listen to me and do something differently!”

As a Creative, I love spending time in my head imagining new ideas and envisioning how to make them happen. But sometimes they don’t happen. And I’ve become more aware in recent times that this is because my nervous system is not allowing it to.

There is usually something that feels unsafe to my nervous system with what I am trying to do. This could be based on events from the past or it could be a real danger in my present. Either way, it reacts the same way, sending me into fight, flight, or freeze.

Obviously, these states do not facilitate our larger goals. To get through them or prevent them, there is usually an emotion that needs to be felt and understood. I might need to take some actions in the present or practice taking deep breaths and stretching while training myself to think new, empowering thoughts.

Next time you are finding it hard to accomplish a goal, perhaps check in with your nervous system instead of beating yourself up or giving up on your dreams. I recommend giving it a name and seeing it as an amazing ally on your journey!

Need a jumpstart? Check out the latest Doodle-to-Doing DoodleCast: How to Embody Forgiveness with my guest, Somatic Healing Practitioner, Sharon LaFlamme!

☆★ Creative Challenge ★☆ What would you like to name your nervous system to help it become more of a friend?


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