Create Space:

Transform Chaos into Creative Flow

Enrollment Will Open Again Soon!


Create Space is an online course teaching Creatives with chaotic lives how to be more productive in their creative callings within 10 weeks!

It’s jam-packed with creative exercises and tools for mastering 10 areas of executive function—those prefrontal lobe processes that help us make progress towards our goals! This means you will have the tools to:

→ bring more of your ideas to fruition!

→ enjoy the process of creating more!

→ be the Creative you always longed to be!

If you struggle with knowing what ideas to prioritize, if you get paralyzed by too many options or feel your inspiration well has run dry, or if you feel too distracted or too disorganized to accomplish your creative goals, you are NOT alone and this course can help. Join us and discover how to work with, not against, your creative brain for more fulfilling success.

This is not just another online course—it's a transformative journey rooted in decades of experience helping creatives unlock their full potential. As a Professional Artist and Creative Productivity Coach, I've honed methodologies that integrate creativity and practicality which means you can actually enjoy the process of learning and individualizing effective tools to increase your creative productivity.  


Enrollment will open again soon!

✦✦ Only $888! (Monthly payment options available.)


Create Space is an online course, so you can enjoy it (and implement it) right from where you are with IN-REAL-TIME SUPPORT!

Your access to the Creative Freedom Club on Facebook starts as soon as you sign up!  In this group, you can post your progress and ask questions so I and your fellow club members can support you! 

Your 6-month access to the Creative Goals Working Circle will begin when you sign up.  This is a 60-minute virtual working circle where you can complete the course lessons and/or apply the tools towards your goals within the supportive container of other Creatives working on their goals. 

✦✦ Enrollment periods only last for 2 weeks!


I created Create Space after working with hundreds of frustrated Creatives who felt like a failure when they couldn’t manage their life like everyone else.

I developed it to teach Creatives a system for mastering 10 areas of executive function through their creativity and in service of their creativity in as little as 10 weeks! When you are more in control of your life (what executive functions help us to achieve), you are freer to make more of what you want to make when you want to make it!

Here’s my official bio:

Karen Light is a Professional Artist and Creative Productivity Coach with an expertise in activating your creative brain for fulfilling productivity!

For the last 5+ years, she has specialized in working with Creative people of all kinds who are often overwhelmed by life resulting in cycles of stressful busy-ness and frustrating procrastination.  Karen came into this work through an extensive background in teaching, spanning over two decades, where she learned how to work with all kinds of learners and consistently encountered the effectiveness of more creative approaches when it comes to managing tasks and projects.

Karen believes that Creatives can and are changing the world. Therefore, she is passionate about helping Creatives fully harness their power so they can inspire others to also imagine more and make it a reality!

Her toolbox also includes entrepreneurship (Studio Light Illustration, LLC and HowDoodle, LLC), corporate educational leadership, studies in community arts, and work in social justice.  She has a BFA from Xavier University and an MA in Cultural Management from City University London as well as multiple coaching certifications.

Karen resides in the rolling hills of Cincinnati with her partner, two kitties, and a plethora of plant babies.  She loves to create, dance, bike, hike, be silly, and stare at beautiful landscapes.  

WHY Create Space?

I created this course because I regularly see how struggling Creatives are misunderstood by those trying to help and, consequently, feel like they are failing.  (I’ve been here too!)

Often Creatives like us are NOT motivated by traditional ideas of success and prosperity. The creative brain tends to clash with the customary concepts of established frameworks and accepted methodologies prevalent in our educational institutions, offices, and homes. 

The key is working WITH our brains and activating our superpower of creativity.  Then, even the most mundane tasks can put the juice back into life and reignite confidence!  When we feel capable, it frees up time and energy for the creative pursuits we long to chase.

If you want to have more time and space and energy for your creative goals without the chaos of life zapping it away, be sure to join us in Create Space!

Create Space: Transform Chaos into Creative Flow

Join now for only $888 (Monthly payment options available).

✦✦ Enrollment periods are only a few weeks!

HOW to Get Started:

Joining Create Space is easy! Simply:

  1. Fill out this short form!

  2. Follow the simple instructions in that form to submit your payment (via Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, or credit card – $888 or choose a monthly payment option). Note: You’ve only secured your spot once I receive your payment.

  3. Upon payment you will be given access and then the fun begins!In the meantime, email me with any questions you might have and I will also send you information on joining the Creative Freedom Club and the Creative Goals Working Circle. Can’t wait to work with you!

**Please note that I changed the name of the course from Get Your Shit Together to Create Space and made it 10 weeks instead of 8 weeks since this video was created. All other information is still accurate!

“What does Create Space include?”

Create Space, also includes the following:

There are two payment options:

One Payment of $888 or choose a monthly payment option.

You can pay via Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, or Credit Card

“How do I join?”

If you’re ready to join Create Space, click HERE.

Keep in mind: Enrollment only lasts a few weeks!


Question: I’m not an Artist in the traditional sense, but I do see myself as creative. Is this course for me?

Answer: Absolutely! I am using “Creative” in the widest way possible! Artists, musicians, dancers, writers, etc. are welcome as well as anyone who approaches their roles creatively. You might want to create content for your business, a presentation for your job, an experience for your family. This course will help you to create whatever it is that you want to create, but it does so with a more creative approach. Therefore, I use the term Creatives because it might be more challenging for people who do not view themselves as Creatives to jump into the way the lessons are taught.

Question: I’ve tried lots of things to get my life and work under control, but life still feels overwhelming and out of control. What makes this course any different?

Answer: Many of the executive function strategies out there are simply NOT interesting nor effective for the creative brain. Executive functions are generally convergent processes (methodical, careful, slow, organized, conforming, organized, and structured) whereas the creative mind tends to be more divergent (quick, spontaneous, curious, risky, non-conforming, open, and collaborative). The trick for Creatives is to combine those two processes for more effective approaches. The strategies and tools in this course are more creative and adaptable, accounting for our creative hunger for something new as well as life changes. You may even find this to be a *gasp* FUN process!!

Question: You keep saying “executive function.” What is that exactly?

Answer: Executive Function describes the functions of the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This includes processes that require higher level thinking such as emotional regulation, metacognition (learning how you learn), time management, planning, prioritizing, habit-building/follow-through, and task and environmental organization. Without a firm grasp on these processes, we are at the whim of our amygdala, the emotional center of our brain. When this happens, we can be too overwhelmed by emotion to make satisfying progress on our goals. We are also more likely to succumb to our fears as this part of our brain holds our memories and keeps us from taking risks that it deems as “dangerous” even if those dangers are no longer relevant in our current lives.

Question: What do you mean by neurodiverse?

Answer: Many of my clients and students have been diagnosed with ADHD or Autism Spectrum; however, my definition includes this and more. I see the creative mind as neurodiverse by nature as it thinks divergently! It tends to scatter, to see many possibilities, and to forge new paths. Whereas, our society is set up for neurotypical thinkers - those who tend towards convergent processes that are more focused, organized, and sequential. The truth is that we need both and this course is designed to help the divergent, creative thinkers to gain convergent thinking skills in through more creative means.

Question: How will I use my creativity to make strategies that work for me?

Answer: I will guide you through the process of developing your strategies and creating your Creative Command Book through creative prompts.  You can utilize any form of creativity that feels good to you.  Whereas the most common approaches are doodling and writing, you can capture it with photos, use songs, design graphics, write plays, make them in needlepoint - whatever your creative heart desires as long as it is easily understandable and accessible to you!

Question: What ages is this course for?

Answer: Designed with young adults and adult Creatives in mind, this course is ideal for individuals at high school level and beyond.

Question: What if I need extra support?

Answer: I got you! You can always reach out for individual coaching support on a month-by-month basis. Check out those options here.

Question: How long is the course? How long do I have access to the Creative Freedom Club on Facebook and the Creative Goals Working Circle?

Answer: It is designed so that you can get through it in as little as 10 weeks. However, take as long as you need! Your access never expires so long as the platform exists 🙂 You have access to the Creative Freedom Club for as long as Facebook exists! (It doesn’t seem to be going anywhere…) You get 6 months access to the Creative Goals Working Circle. This is plenty of time to support you in getting through the course and putting tools into practice towards your goals!

Question: How do I join?

Answer: If you’re ready to join Create Space, click HERE.

You are uniquely and fabulously creative.  

You have talents and gifts beyond your wildest imagination.

You are way more capable than you give yourself credit for.

You are going to be more than okay.  You are going to thrive!

Let’s have some FUN Creating Space!!!