Now More Than Ever
Now more than ever, Creative, it’s time for you to stand with confidence.
Now more than ever, Creative, it’s time to make your voice heard.
Now more than ever, Creative, it’s time to express the depth of your feelings.
Now more than ever, Creative, it’s time for you to inspire others to do the same.
Now more than ever, Creative, it’s time for you to stop hiding.
Now more than ever, Creative, it’s time to unlock and pursue your vision.
Now more than ever, Creative, it’s time for you to know your place and value.
Now more than ever, Creative, it’s time to alchemize that weight of the world into something new.
Now more than ever, Creative, the world needs you because now more than ever we need to create a new world.
And the call will only get louder with each act of terror, each sound of war, each divisive and hateful word.
Rise out of the grind society made you believe you deserve.
Create what you were made to create.
Imagine something new. Help the world imagine something new.
Trust in your ability to make it a reality. Help us all believe in our ability to make a new reality.
It’s time. Now more than ever.