Are Structures Made to Be Broken?

For years and years I was a morning workout person. It was a really sustainable structure for me because I gave myself three options depending on how I was feeling (dance, a long walk outside, or yoga). I was convinced it was the only way for me because I loved how the movement woke me up and helped me to enter the day in an energized way.

Then, as winter settled in at the end of last year, I found myself less than enthusiastic about my morning workouts. Simultaneously, my partner and I signed up for the gym and mornings did not work for him. Since we wanted to go together, I decided to try working out in the late afternoons.

And I loved it. Furthermore, it opened up my mornings which inspired me create a new structure of making art every day before hoping on my laptop for sessions and work projects!

Here’s something we often forget: We create structures to serve our goals, but they aren’t forever. And as we evolve on our goal journeys, our structures have to evolve too or they will no longer serve us!

If you have an established structure that is no longer working, it is NOT a failure! It’s usually a sign that something needs to be adjusted. When you can look at it through that creative lens, our structures become organic, sustainable, and even friendly!

☆★ Creative Challenge ★☆ Knowing when to evolve or change one of your structures requires being present to your current needs and circumstances. Doodle yourself and your life in the present. When you reflect on it, are their structures that need adjustment? If so, how you will you adjust them?


My Rigid Thinking Monster


You Gotta Trust You