Creative Goals Working Circle

This Circle is for Creatives who want a powerful combination of creative inspiration and practical support within a container of fellow supportive and committed Creatives!

Achieving goals for ANYONE requires many executive function skills including finding structures/processes that feel good, multiple channels of support, and a plethora of emotional care.

I know how challenging it is to break goals into doable steps, get clear on what to prioritize, and follow through, follow through, follow t h r o u g h ! ! !

Let’s do it together in the Creative Goals Working Circle!

What is the Creative Goals Working Circle?

I’m so glad you asked! It’s a WORKING circle which means the main goal is for you to have time to make progress toward your creative goal(s)! When you join, you get access to our once-a-week virtual meetings during which I and your fellow circle members will be with you on your goal-setting and goal-achieving journey!

Working with Karen was life-changing! It provided me with motivation, accountability & more importantly confidence. I found my true artistic voice through this process. I found the confidence to ask a friend to be my business partner and we launched with a wholesale retailer!
— Shannon McDonald, Pop Shop Universe

Gimme Some More Deets!

We meet on Tuesdays from 10 am - 11 am Eastern on Google Meets . (Dates are subject to change and more Circles will be added when they reach capacity at 10 people.)

Each circle will begin with a brief creative exercise that will lead you in contemplating an aspect of achieving goals to help you on your journey. These concepts will be pulled from my voluminous executive function toolbox!

Each person will take a few moments to share what they want to make progress on related to their goals. You could pick one goal to work on throughout the 6 months or you could work on several! (But if you want help focusing, you can ask for some accountability from the group too 🙂)

We will spend approximately 40 minutes individually working on our goals while on Zoom. As a Creative Executive Function Coach, I will be there the whole time to answer any questions or help if you get stuck. (We can communicate via the chat or we can jump into a breakout room for a few minutes if needed.)

We will come back together at the end to share what we accomplished!

What’s the Cost?

The cost is $77 per month for 4 Circles. (Cancel ANYTIME!)

There are a few ways to pay including Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, and credit card. Payment is expected upfront, but if you need a different arrangement, please ask. (Seriously. Asking for what you need/want is some powerful magic!)

More Questions You Might Have…

How is this circle different than other accountability circles?

It is a robust combo of creativity to get your inspiration and motivation going and executive function support for the practical challenges within a container of supportive people committed to getting some work done!

Why are you starting this circle, Karen?

I am passionate about helping Creatives make the visions in their imaginations a satisfying reality. When Creatives succeed in any and all aspects of their lives, our world benefits. I believe this to my core and you can read more about that here. I’ve also witnessed how most of the creative people I work with thrive when they work alongside other driven people. We can be those people for each other!

What kind of goals are good for this circle?

Any kind of creative goal! Some people will be working on artistic projects, some will be creating content, some will be creating an experience, some will be crafting, some will be creating an inspiring space… If there is something you want to get create in the largest sense of the word, then this is a place where you can get encouragement and support.

For example, if you don’t know where to start, I can help you find your next step or, if you feel unmotivated, I can help you create some momentum. (Please note: If the challenge is bigger than something that can be resolved in a few minutes, I may suggest a coaching session.)

What if this is something I want to do, but I am having a hard time identifying my goals?

If you have had a hard time realizing goals before, it can lead to not setting them as it feels like setting yourself up for failure. If you show up regularly to work on things you want to get done, most likely some goals will begin to reveal themselves. Another option is to schedule a goal-setting coaching session before the circle starts for a more individualized approach! (Contact me here to set that up.)

What if I can’t make a circle?

It is perfectly reasonable to assume that you will miss a session or two! I kept that in mind and the pricing reflects that.

What if there is a 5th Tuesday in a month?

When there is a 5th week in a month, I do as few meetings, sessions, workshops, etc. as possible as a way of building more creative time and business development time into my yearly schedule. Therefore, we will never meet on a 5th Tuesday.