Creative Productivity Coaching for CREATIVES!

You are a student or professional who identifies as CREATIVE!

You love to express yourself in art, music, dance, theater, writing, speaking, and/or design, and think about concepts in new ways. You always have ideas. You might even have a job in the field of art/design/content creation (or you aspire to) and you know creativity will always be a deeply important part of your life.

However, you find you often struggle to manage your work. Things like managing your time, prioritizing what you should work on, and building habits that serve your goals/vision are difficult. You long to feel more in control and accomplished, especially in regards to your creative endeavors.

If that describes you, then these programs are for you!

Welcome and why I believe it is SO important that Creatives succeed!

Working with Karen was life-changing! It provided me with motivation, accountability & more importantly confidence. I found my true artistic voice through this process. I found the confidence to ask a friend to be my business partner and launch with a wholesale retailer! I found the confidence to see myself through the doodle exercises and discover there were a lot more sparkles & glitter there than even I was aware of!
— Shannon McDonald, Pop Shop Universe

Being a creative myself and working with hundreds of them, I can tell you that often a creative person is NOT motivated by traditional ideas of success and prosperity. Their creative brain tends to clash with the customary concepts of established frameworks and accepted methodologies prevalent in our educational institutions, offices, and homes.

This can make the creative feel wrong, like a problem, incompetent, and helpless in certain areas or all areas of their lives.

Do any of these resonate, Creative?  Well, I’m here to tell you that you are NOT wrong!  You simply need to forget what is widely accepted as THE way and find YOUR way.

HowDoodle We Do This Together

I hope it brings you solace to know that I have been there.  I am a Professional Artist/Illustrator with what often feels like a “weird” view on the world.  I tried to overcome this to be more “normal” for a long time.  This led me to quit many things in my life and to experience A LOT of burnout that was hard to recover from.  Once I got support, learned to embrace the creative weirdo that I was, and do things in a way that worked for me, I began to thrive. I founded two businesses, an illustration company and this one, that suit me well and allow me to have fulfilling and sustaining work.

I have been working with young people and adults to help them do the same, since 1998, in the capacity of a teacher, coach, and mentor!  I have extensive experience working with creatives with ADHD and who have high-functioning Autism as well as many other learning differences and mental health challenges.  I have seen them find their own way through their struggles, self-define what success means to them, and develop the confidence to make it happen :)

Here are ways I can help YOU thrive, creative soul:

THRIVE: A 6-Month Curriculum-Based Program:

This is a comprehensive program for Creatives who want/need to deeply explore themselves and create a new foundation that supports their success. It includes a curriculum with exercises and tools, two 60-minute coaching sessions per month, weekly Creative Goals Working Circle sessions, unlimited text support, and coach check-in’s. There is also built in support for parents who pay for the program and have their child living at home.

Monthly Coaching Options:

This is for Creatives who are looking for support and new tools to achieve their goals. This is also a next step option for those who have completed the 6-month program. Depending on the needs of the client, it can include one or two coaching sessions a month, weekly Creative Goals Working Circle sessions, unlimited text support, and coach check-in’s.

Case Study:

S.M. wanted to work with me to find the motivation and tools to relaunch herself as an artist. She was burnt out from the way she was creating and selling and wanted to find a new way that felt more like her. She struggled with motivation and lacked a consistent structure.

With my help, S.M. was able to learn from the past, think creatively about the future, and create processes and structures that greatly increased her productivity! She found the confidence to ask a friend to partner with her and was able to take advantage of an amazing business opportunity as a result! Throughout our 9 months together, S.M. found her true artistic voice, revamped her website, created a process for documenting her work, made a plethora of new work, displayed her work in new places, and secured a contract with a wholesale company who will spread her designs far and wide!