What You Need To Hear

You’ve been in that situation, right? The one where you are feeling a bit defeated, frustrated, confused, overwhelmed and someone basically tells you to believe in yourself more.

And, even though you know they mean well. Even though you want to believe in yourself more, this response makes you feel a little worse and you wish they would just shut up because it really isn’t helping in the moment?

Well, I have been there many times. It’s really aggravating. Mostly because I am aggravated at myself for being aggravated at what they are saying. Why the heck doesn’t it make me feel better? Shouldn’t it?

Yes and no.

Yes, the truth is that we need to believe in ourselves more. However, as much as you need to hear and say words that affirm your strength, creativity, and capability, those words rarely work in moments where you feel really stuck and they rarely work all by themselves.

One more step needs to happen. You need to hear the evidence that makes those positive affirmations true. Evidence is what turns a thought into a belief that you can get behind and feel deep down in your bones.

And chances are, if that critical, scared voice is too loud, causing you to be aggravated by the well-meaning words of a kind friend, you’ve been collecting the WRONG evidence.

What you need to hear from that kind friend, or from yourself, is a question such as: How have you gotten yourself through challenges like this before? Or: What creative ideas have helped in the past?

These are just two examples of questions that could be asked. The point is that you need to hear questions that make your brain scan for the evidence that works in your favor - that help you move closer to your meaningful goals.

Here are some examples of evidence that every Creative with a vision needs to keep collecting:

Evidence for Yourself

  • That you are creative.

  • That you are capable.

  • That your expression is unique and valuable.

Evidence for Your Vision

  • That your vision is worthy of your time and investment.

  • That your vision is worthy of other people’s time and investment.

  • That your vision can have the impact you dream of it having.

Evidence for Your People

  • That people want to help you and support you.

  • That people are capable of being support.

  • That people have valuable contributions that can help your vision grow.

What other evidence would be helpful for you to gather?

If you are not making progress towards your meaningful goals, a coach (like me :) ) can help you to see what kind of evidence you have been collecting and support you in this important mindset work. Schedule a free 30 minute consultation to see if it’s right for you!

★ CREATIVE CHALLENGE ★ Start a page in your planner, a note on your phone, a document on your laptop where you list the evidence. Start by thinking about what has happened in the past. Add to it as new things happen to support the beliefs you want to have about yourself, your vision, and your people.


Too Soon