Create Your Own Playbook
This happens to me regularly:
I read a book, listen to a podcast, or watch a YouTube video, start to furiously apply what I am learning, and then something amazing dawns on me—I did this naturally, in my own way, fresh out of college with my BFA in hand and an art-making passion in my heart.
Why does this happen so regularly and why does it always take me by surprise?
Because, as an Artist/Creative, I have often received and internalized the message that I couldn’t possibly know what to do to make a business run.
Only “business” people know how to do that. I would just mess it all up. My thinking is all wrong. It’s a mystery that I know nothing about and that will surely be difficult for me... blah, blah, blah…
The messaging was years in the making and so it also takes years in the unlearning. It starts early and sometimes quite overtly:
“You can’t make a living doing that.”
“If you don’t do well on these tests, you will have to spend another period studying in place of your art class.”
“Art and business don’t mix.”
And sometimes more covertly:
“That is so great that you are going to art school! How are you going to make a living?”
“We value the arts here which is why every student gets to take music and art once a week.”
“I’m so surprised by how organized and savvy you are because you are an artist.”
When being a Creative is the air you breathe and the blood that runs through your veins, these harmful messages take their toll. Somehow, eventually, everyone else knows better than you. You look outside for the answers and ignore the gold you got right inside.
If you are lucky, though, you wake up one day realizing you have been playing by someone else’s rules.
I say “lucky” because having this realization is the opportunity for a new path. A path that does not reject the wisdom of others, but includes a healthy practice of discernment as you create your own playbook.
A path that trusts that you have a million amazing creative AND effective ideas inside of you that are your success.
A Creative free from limiting beliefs imposed by a fear-based society is a mighty force. They know their value, the value of what they are creating, and how to bring it to more people.
And they won’t play by anyone else’s rules. Instead, they will change the rules to better serve them and to better serve us all.
★ Creative Challenge ★ Come to the next Sistermind Roundtable where I will be presenting “Create Your Own Playbook” and be inspired to play by your own rules.