Removing Bricks
I logged onto Zoom for a coaching session. I let the other person into the room. And then I was met with a wall of resistance.
A solid brick wall. Sturdy and strong. Built to last.
I have no judgment when this happens. Goodness knows I have been a wall of resistance in the past, probably will be again in the future, and probably currently am in some way in the present!
Jessica McCabe talks about the Wall of Awful on her How to ADHD YouTube channel. (I highly recommend it whether you have ADHD or not!) This is a state where you just can’t move forward on something because you have all kinds of things that are creating a wall between you and the success you want. Each of those things is like a brick that stacks right on top of the other until it is hard to see over them.
I can think of a lot of bricks that pile up in the process of creativity practice and/or creative entrepreneurship: lack of skills, imposter syndrome, no clear vision, little support, overwhelm around where to start or what to do next, lack of time, being emotionally or physically drained… These are just a few of the bricks you may resonate with.
The good news is that these bricks are not completely stuck to each other. When we identify one, we just might be able to remove it. And when we remove one, we start to destabilize the rest making it easier to take down the wall and feel the flow!
As for the client who was on the other side of my Zoom screen, we identified that one of her bricks was feeling overwhelmed with all the steps she needed to take. With a few reflective questions and discussion, she got clarity on the next best step for her. In the coming weeks, as she was able to take those steps, it began to knock over some of those other bricks as well.
What are your bricks? Which one do you feel you can work on or feel inspired to work on first? What happens to the other bricks as you work on that one?