A Transformed S(ch)tick

In my last blog, I invited you to contemplate what was on either end of your vicious cycle s(ch)tick and even challenged you to doodle it out. Now, I want to share with you one final, powerful step in this process:

Transforming your s(ch)tick to break the vicious cycle!

Often we become aware of our vicious cycle, but we try to break the cycle with the same thoughts that created it because the vicious cycle has really enforced those thought loops in our minds. Which means they can be really hard to break!

A playful way to introduce new thoughts and ideas into this process is by imagining what would happen if the two ends of your s(ch)tick merged.

Take mine for example:

Both ends have something good to offer but are lacking in some way that renders them unmanageable. I don’t want to stop having lots of ideas and I don’t want to stop doing the things I need to do to make those ideas a reality. But I can’t only stay in idea mode and I can’t do all the things for too many ideas at once.

So I began to play with the idea of finding the best of those two worlds in a doodle and this was the result:

The colorful balls in my doodle began to merge. They wanted to overlap and play together. As they did, more colors emerged in the center. More motion began to radiate from the new shape.

When I reflect on the doodle, I see that where the ideas come together creates an energy source all of its own. That energy feels much more like exciting movement and motivation versus the dark heavy cloud in my first doodle.

As a next step, I feel inspired to find the synergy within my seemingly disparate ideas. I feel inspired to dig deeper with each idea until I find that overlap before jumping into action so I can be more confident that my efforts will be sustainable and life-giving. On a practical level that will look like journaling and processing it out with my coach.

What happens when you imagine how the positive aspects of both sides of your s(ch)tick merge? What does that inspire? What practical step can you take with that inspiration?

☆★ Creative Challenge ★☆: Oh you know this challenge is all about doodling the merging of both ends of that s(ch)tick! Don’t try to figure it out ahead of time. Take a few deep breaths, start doodling an aspect of your previous doodle and see where it takes you… Then send me an email and show it to me!

(Seriously - I LOVE to see these… You should see a client’s doodle that merges her lazy cat and a “square” businessman - hilarious and SO insightful!)


Make It YOUR Own


What’s Your S(ch)tick?